Friday, October 23, 2015

How do your thoughts create your reality?

Stuart Miles at
        You have heard it said many times over that your thoughts create your reality but how does all of this really transpire!  If you are anything like me, I spent plenty of days scratching my head on that one.  I was curious  to find out how do your thoughts create your reality, do your thoughts really create your reality and how is stress the biggest contributor to these thoughts especially the negative emotions, thoughts, and beliefs associated with them.                                      

    Thoughts Create Your Reality: Understanding the Process

Psychologist Albert Ellis created an excellent model for explaining this very concept! He called his model the ABC of emotional distress.   

Where as

§  A is the Activating event or triggering situation

§  B is your Beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, and interpretations about A

§  C is the emotional, physical, and behavioral consequence or “stress” That result from holding these beliefs

           To explain this model further here is an example in which one of our most common sources of stress is the fear of being late.   We often times use these emotions against us, instead of allowing these emotions to work for us.

By not giving into these emotions; we can used them to our advantage to think instead of react.

Say for example you are driving yourself to the airport to catch a flight to California for an important business meeting. 

You didn’t expect to be caught in a traffic jam. Now your mind/thoughts are preoccupied with missing your flight.  The physiological response in your body that you might be experiencing may look like this:  sweaty palms, panic attacks, shallow and rapid breathing.  You are feeling extremely anxious. 

You are deemed STRESSED OUT! 

So How do Your Thoughts Create Your Reality:  Explaining the Process         


The model would look something like this 

A-    possible missed flight-Activating event-triggering situation

B-    I will missed this meeting and be dismissed from my job-Beliefs/Thoughts

C-    Is the anxiety you are experiencing over this situation-Emotional, Physical response

             No, it isn’t always possible to avoid the stress or stressors in our lives but we can always manage our stressors, change our thoughts by following-up with a positive reframe to the situation, and change how we respond to the stress. 

           Changing the world or changing what other people think or do isn’t always possible but what you do have control over is yourself!  You can sometimes reduce or eliminate a stressor.   You can also change how you perceive the situation.  So therefore you can change your thoughts, change your life.

For example, not happy with the job, you can always look for another!

Another classic example- High Credit Card Bills, Evaluate your budget and try spending less

 Do your thoughts Really Create Reality and How to Change Your Negative Thoughts

Your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, and interpretations are all very important in determining how much you will get triggered and how much stress you will feel.

Whenever you perceive a circumstance or event as overwhelming or beyond your control, or you feel you can’t cope, you experience stress.  You will find that much of your stress is caused by you.  The good news is you can learn to see things in a more positive way. 

For example if you hate waiting, perhaps you may be thinking I hate this why  can’t they go faster, what is wrong with these people.  I know from personal experience I have felt that way!  However, you are creating a good bit of stress for yourself. 

            But if you can actually change that thought and instead think this is great I can read that magazine article on baking homemade banana bread. 

You are now feeling less stress with that positive reframe and can now shift your focus to seeing the good in the situation. 

How do your negative emotions block you from finding resolutions to your problems

         But as long as you are focus on staying stuck on the negatives and the negatives emotions, most likely you will block yourself from ever finding a positive solution or resolution to the problem or situation. 

            In other words you will block your creativity.  This is why it is so important to clear these emotions.  I will also use a form of alternative medicine called acupressure or tapping (emotional freedom technique) to alleviate the stress and negative emotions.   I will use this product to get in touch with my anger and release it from my body.

       Your thinking plays a much bigger role than you may believe or understand in creating your stress.  Now its make more sense when someone tells you that you create your own reality!


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